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GSO Test

  • The idea that it’s bicultural is very important (for your future). It’s always a talking point, it’s also very enriching. You know how to communicate, write and read in both French and English at a higher level than you would in any other institution.
    Abigail -former ENP Student - Smith College USA Government and Music
  • ENP teaching helped me to build the confidence to communicate, analyse, have my own ideas. It opens and widens our opportunities.
    Olivia Chloe -former ENP student-  Paris Aeronautical engineering
  • I joined ENP in 4ème - I’m very happy I did! The work discipline I learned here is a lifetime skill. My OIB decision was the best I could ever have made.
    Jacqueline - former ENP student -  Lyon University International business and management. 
  • Here at ENP I’ve combined a French  education with an English education. The multiculturalism and the bilingualism are so enriching.
    Aurore - former ENP student - Studying Law in the UK
  • I felt ready to take on any challenges. ENP prepared me to present, speak and write confidently in both French and English.  What have I gained? A lot!

    Mehdi – former ENP student -  Imperial College London;  Civil Engineering

  • ENP is more than just a programme. It’s an active, hard working, international community of students in which I am proud to have been educated, and supported throughout my higher education.

    Hugo – former ENP student – UCL Natural Sciences

  • The cultural aspect is so beneficial; now that I’ve done it I wouldn’t choose any other exam than the OIB.
    Denise – former ENP student - Kent University, Politics and International Relations   

Welcome to the English National Programme (ENP). Our distinctive educational offer is an English-speaking section of a French state international school, rather than a separate and private “International School”.

ENP has over 1000 primary and secondary students of over 40 nationalities, and a staff of over 20. Pupils make a rapid transfer between French and English as they move between lessons taught according to the methods and ethos of French and English school systems. This education is bicultural as well as bilingual.

The ENP subjects are taught as if within an English  school to pupils who are mother-tongue English speakers or have a very-good second language level; the main part of their studies is taught in French in line with the French state curriculum.

In ENP, we deliver the following subjects:

  • English Language and Literature - 3 hours per week in primary classes and 4 hours per week in secondary school.
  • History-Geography - 2 hours per week (along with 2 hours taught by French colleagues) in secondary school.
  • Maths in English - this is an option (in addition to the Maths taught as part of the French state curriculum).
  • Connaissance du Monde - 2 hours per week in premiere and terminale (an addition to the BFI in 2023)

ENP is financed by parental tuition fees and governed by a parents’ association, ALA-ELP.


 Our  CM2 classes have produced this amazing record of their writing work Click here